GENERA is one of the leading Italian assisted conception laboratory groups. With bases in Rome, Naples, Umbria and Venice it is respected around the world and offers diagnoses and therapy for sub-fertile couples. These include the collection, processing and cryopreservation of gametes and embryos. In a recent interview on Italian television Dr. Laura Rienzi of the 'Forum' news programme discussed freezing technique with news anchor Barbara Palombelli.

The film shows Genera's well equipped laboratory area for embryology, andrology and cryo-preservation – and includes their Planer DATAcentre monitoring system which was installed by the IVF specialist supplier Biocare. Here it was important that dewars were monitored, so in this case the system monitors temperature, but sensors for humidity, carbon dioxide, liquid nitrogen level, oxygen, fridge door status etc. can be added. Genera chose the system for their cryo-bank to monitor and alarm all of their critical equipment and samples with the aim of making sure everything works to the highest standards. The DATAcentre system can monitor their valuable samples 24/7 and so helps to resolve any issue before it escalates. Up to 120 transmitters, including a mixture of wireless and hard wired sensors, can be connected.

One of the advantages of the Planer system is that data can be viewed in real time in either graphical or text format and any alarms can be acknowledged and managed via a connected PC or to the LAN port in a building if that is chosen. This allows remote access to the unit via a web browser; either locally or anywhere in the world. Using a web browser users can connect to the Base Centre to have an overview of how the system is operating with links to all other functions. Planer have installations of DATAcentres around the world and are extremely pleased with the association of Biocare Europe and Genera.

You can learn more on the DATAcentre at
Video clip can be seen at:


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